مَا سَلَكَكُمْ فِى سَقَرَ What has brought you ..
Tag : Hell (the fire
سَأُصْلِيهِ سَقَرَ I will cast him ..
إِنَّ لَدَيْنَآ أَنكَالًا وَجَحِيمًا Surely with Us are heavy fetters and a fla..
وَطَعَامًا ذَا غُصَّةٍ وَعَذَابًا أَلِيمًا And food that chokes and a painful p..
وَأَمَّا ٱلْقَٰسِطُونَ فَكَانُوا۟ لِجَهَنَّمَ حَطَبًا And as to the deviators, they are fue..
إِلَّا بَلَٰغًا مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَرِسَٰلَٰتِهِۦ ۚ وَمَن يَعْصِ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ فَإِنَّ لَهُۥ نَارَ جَهَنَّمَ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَآ أَبَدًا (It is) only a delivering (of communications) from Allah and His messages; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Apostle surely he shall have the fire of hell to abide therein for a ..
مِّمَّا خَطِيٓـَٰٔتِهِمْ أُغْرِقُوا۟ فَأُدْخِلُوا۟ نَارًا فَلَمْ يَجِدُوا۟ لَهُم مِّن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ أَنصَارًا Because of their wrongs they were drowned, then made to enter fire, so they did not find any helpers besi..
كَلَّآ ۖ إِنَّهَا لَظَىٰ By no means! Surely it is a fl..
ثُمَّ ٱلْجَحِيمَ صَلُّوهُ Then cast him into the bur..
وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّا ٱلسَّمَآءَ ٱلدُّنْيَا بِمَصَٰبِيحَ وَجَعَلْنَٰهَا رُجُومًا لِّلشَّيَٰطِينِ ۖ وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابَ ٱلسَّعِيرِ And certainly We have adorned this lower heaven with lamps and We have made these missiles for the Shaitans, and We have prepared for them the chastisement o..
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